Monday, March 16, 2009

The worst acted, written and directed scene ever

From Tension, a never completed thriller I wrote and directed senior year of college.

"The entire conversion process is covered by the co-ops system."


When one of my friends heard about the newest Los Angeles food craze, the Kogi BBQ taco truck, he made me pledge not to sample the tacos without him.

Flashforward to a week later when he's texting pictures of the truck to my phone while scarfing down multiple tacos.

Two weeks later I'm out of town while he goes to Venice and again proceeds to pig out on the apparently "delicious and heaven inspiring" tacos without me.

I guess honor among friends goes out the window when it comes to short rib tacos "swimming in a special marinade, chopped nice and small so the flavors dance on your taste buds."

To be fair, I would have done the same thing.


One of my girl friends was talking to a guy Friday night in Venice. After telling him that she lived in Brentwood, he told her he was staying with his friend. When she asked how that was going, he responded:

"I'd rather be sleeping on a couch in Brentwood."

And finally, I'll leave ya'll with this doozy, overheard a few weeks back.

"She's a dirty, filthy whore... But she's a real nice person."

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